
FIO: Hallikas Edvin Urmas Koit

Nickname: «Ноль» (meaning "Zero")

Born: Place, Estonia (Year XX)

Nationality: Estonian


An older gruffier man with a square body and face. Dirt blond hair with growing gray streaks, in an army-like buzz cut. Blue tired eyes. A bit on the shorter side. He feels compact and stable. You get the feeling that he has passed his peak in physicality but he still has the vibe of being immovable.
He is very grumpy generally but he does his jobs without much complaint. He does not believe in saying anything more than he needs, which makes people think he's either ominous or arrogant.
He was a high school dropout living in Estonia, for the most of his early life. Then one day he got contacted by his uncle in Russia who had heard about his financial situation and had a job for him. He moved in with his uncle and started working in his uncles shop with his cousins. When his uncle died his cousins inherited the shop and had to fire him. He didn’t get any jobs in that city so he moved to Voronevka. After working at the bar for some years, he got into stalking (Year 16).
He is one of the originals and probably the most experienced stalker still alive and has gained a sort of leader status in the zone. If there is a big decision to make, he often has the last word. And mostly it’s just one sentence.
Since he met Eva, he regrets becoming a stalker. He wishes he put effort into studying or at least got more diverse job experience so he could have a choice. But now it's too late, he's poisoned himself and his unborn child, and he hates himself for not knowing any life but the stalker life.

PMM with 18/24 bullets in two 12 round magazines.

AK-74 with 39/60 bullets in two 30 round magazines.

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His wife.

Character Sheet

Was sort of like Edvins apprentice when he was alive. He was one of the very few people he would actually enjoy conversations with.

Character Sheet

He has always had a soft spot for him that only grew when he was the only one Stanislav seeked comfort from when Viktor died.

Character Sheet
What character calls them


Character Sheet
Life occurrances
  • Year -6: Born
  • Year XX: XXX (XX years old)
  • Year 16: Enters the Zone (20 years old)
  • Year 47: His daughter is born, she does not survive the night (53 years old)
  • Year 48: Dies (54 years old)
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  • Symbolism
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  • Music
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