
FIO: Марин Александр Думитрувич (Marin Aleksandr Dumitruvich)

Nickname: «Оскал» (Oskal, meaning "Grin")

Born: Place, Country (Year 10)

Nationality: Romanian

His father is an ex-stalker that after leaving the zone became deeply religious. He had developed a hate for the zone, he considered it an affront to God, and Aleksandr was a constant reminder that he was tainted by it. He punished him severely for any little mistake he made. When Aleksandr was old enough to realise what his father had done to him throughout his life. He became friends with other kids with religious parents and rebelled by doing everything they weren't supposed to do. Even though he hated his father for what he did to him, his insults and abuse made him hate himself.

When Aleksandr moved out he was deeply depressed. He hurt himself to take control over his own pain, like he had coped with his fathers strict rules before. Since he already was pretty deep into "sinful" things it was easy to hide. He jumped off buildings, regularly took absurd amounts of drugs, started fights, stayed awake for multiple days. "If this hurts me, at least I did it. No one else gets to cause me pain." He disguised his destructive behaviour behind carefreeness and adventure seeking.

One of his biggest breakdowns made him cut his cheeks open, Jeff the killer style, which made his mutation more visible. After healing he now has very visible scars and now definitely couldn’t return to normal life. (Looking back, he cringes at the edgy scars he gave himself.) When he was 29 (Year 36) after learning that his father once was a stalker, he dropped everything and took a train to Voronevka without hesitation.

He likes to think that he wanted to escape from his life without any other options. Have adventures and make some money as a bonus, but he was actually experiencing suicidal thoughts and committed self harm through constantly living on the edge of death. So when he heard about the dangerous life in the zone he became interested.

A balaclava with a skull print.

  • Strong hate for any form of religion.
  • High running stamina


Life occurrances
  • Year 10: Born
  • Year XX: XXX (XX years old)
  • Year 39: Enters the Zone (29 years old)
  • Year 46: Natasha becomes pregnant (36 years old)
  • Year 47: Natasha dies in the birth of his daughter Flavia (37 years old)
  • Year XX: Dies (XX years old)
  • XXX

  • Symbolism
  • XXX

  • Music
  • XXX