I do not write with ambition to turn this ino a continuous story, and it is basically just me experimenting with my characters like a child putting two bugs in a bowl to see if they fight or not. It is a pile of many different stories, from many different characters, perspectives and times. It is experimental, dumb and insanely personal. Currently all except one are WIPs, so they will change sometimes.
I just wanted to put this out in the world (wide web), and maybe someone will read it and like it.
Level of Shit




Pre-Zone (before Year 0)
XXX (0-9)
XXX (10-19)
Revival (40-49)
Year 41: Broken tension (
Year 44: Metal whirlwind (
Year 44: Burning rooftop (
Year 44: Dog Nightmare (
Year 48: Dead puppy (
Year 41: Broken tension (

Year 44: Metal whirlwind (

Year 44: Burning rooftop (

Year 44: Dog Nightmare (

Year 48: Dead puppy (

Massacre (50-59)
Year 54: The Farm Massacre: The Farm (
Year 54: The Farm Massacre: The Market (
Year 54: The Farm Massacre: The Mercs (
Year 54: The Farm Massacre: The Farm (

Year 54: The Farm Massacre: The Market (

Year 54: The Farm Massacre: The Mercs (